NCB’s NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety is designed specifically for those with safety responsibilities in the oil and gas industry. It focuses on international standards and management systems, highlighting the importance of process safety management in the oil and gas industry, enabling students to effectively discharge workplace safety responsibilities both onshore and offshore. NCB’s NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate is suitable for those who have the responsibility for ensuring safety as part of their day-to-day duties, including: Managers, supervisors, and employee representatives within the oil and gas industry. Newly appointed health and safety advisers. Course Content The NEBOSH Oil & Gas Certificate is made up of one unit: Unit IOG1: Management of International Oil & Gas Operational Safety
- Health, Safety, and Environmental Management in Context
- Hydrocarbon Process Safety
- Fire Protection and Emergency Response
- Logistics and Transport Operations
Assessment Unit IOG1 of the NEBOSH Oil & Gas Certificate is assessed by a two-hour written examination. Online Courses Flexible, fully tutor-supported online learning available anywhere in the world.
- 55 hours of study
- Start any time
Online Course Fees Complete Course 250 Kd